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Abstract In order to evaluate the actual impact of the HBV infection, we estimated the total number of new HBV infections per year, as well as the proportion prone to become chronic, taking into account the number of acute symptomatic cases notified each year between and Methods - The total number of new symptomatic infections occurring each year was estimated by applying the exhaustivity rate we found in the survey conducted in We subsequently applied the models used in Great Britain to estimate the proportion of asymptomatic infections, as well as the number of cases becoming chronic.
Results - A total of cases of acute symptomatic hepatitis B was notified between the 1 January and 31 December , with an average of symptomatic cases reported per year. Conclusion - Although France belongs to the countries with low prevalence and incidence for HBV infection, these results show that this infection remains a public health problem, especially as recommendations included in the French vaccination schedule are not fully applied, resulting in very low immunization coverage rates.
Abstract Introduction - In the context of the implementation of the first control program of hepatitis C, the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance set up hepatitis C surveillance based on a national network of public and private laboratories Rena-VHC and on hepatology reference centres HRC in This article presents trends of HCV screening between and through both systems. Results - Between and , anti-HCV testing activity increased, whereas the validation indicator of positivity rate of positive validation of screening activity over the overall anti-HCV activity declined from 1.
Anti-HCV positive individuals are more frequently males Mean age was 46 and 54 years respectively for males and females. Discussion - Despite some limitations, particularly in terms of extrapolation, these networks provide trends data and highlight the need to optimize hepatitis C screening in France. Remerciements [ Lire la liste des remerciements ].
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Résultats - Les 36 centres participants ont actuellement inclus patients. Les patients atteints de cirrhose B sont moins âgés 52,6 ans vs. The final number of blood samples collected should amount to 3, at inclusion and during follow-up. Results - patients have been included in the 36 participating centres. Discussion and conclusion - Long-term follow-up of this prospective cohort is intended to determine natural history of viral cirrhosis and to identify the predictive factors of complications.

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