Razor application root
I just tested out the blazorhosted template by creating a new project from it and I don't get the same problem. The problem seems to lie only in the razorcomponents template.
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Thanks for contacting us, Asshiah. Can you see what's showing in the browser console? There may be some errors in there. Asshiah , even without an error there should be some stuff shown in the console. It's surprising that you see nothing. Without more info we won't be able to help you much. It seems what you're experiencing is an issue with the underlying SignalR connection.
When I run the provided razorcomponents template, go to the Counter page and try to click on the button, nothing happens. Here is the screenshot of the browser console:. I'll try diagnosing the SignalR connection as per the documentation provided.
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Will keep you in touch. In fact even without activating Debug level logging for SignalR, I get the following error in Visual Studio Output when loading the template I was previously looking in the browser console and not the Visual Studio ouput window :.
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InvalidOperationException: ComponentHub doesn't have an associated endpoint. Use 'app. MapComponentHub "app" ' to register your hub. DefaultHubDispatcher 1. Asshiah - could you ask turn on the debug logging? Your code looks correct, so I want to try and understand what else is going on before you get that error message.
Chargement des symboles ignoré. Le module est optimisé et l'option du débogueur 'Uniquement mon code' est activée. Les symboles ont été chargés. XmlKeyManager: Information: User profile is available. Lifetime: Information: Application started.

Lifetime: Information: Hosting environment: Development Microsoft. HttpConnectionDispatcher: Debug: Sending negotiation response. HttpConnectionDispatcher: Debug: Establishing new connection.
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HttpConnectionDispatcher: Debug: Resuming existing connection. DefaultHubProtocolResolver: Debug: Found protocol implementation for requested protocol: messagepack. HubConnectionContext: Information: Completed connection handshake. Using HubProtocol 'messagepack'. Are you on Windows 7 by any chance?
This is a known issue in that case, which we are already addressing. Since it's known to work in other cases, I'll close this. Nouveaux messages.
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