Aircraft surveillance application system
However, all those approaches failed to obtain sufficient support by the Allies to allow their realisation.
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- NATO - Topic: Renseignement, surveillance et reconnaissance interarmées (JISR).
In , NATO decided to move ahead with what was labelled as a mixed-fleet approach. The air segment was to include Airbus A manned aircraft and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs , both carrying versions of the TCAR radar, while the ground segment was to comprise an extensive set of fixed and deployable ground stations.
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The ground segment, which would largely be developed and built by European and Canadian industry, remained virtually unchanged as its functional and operational characteristics were largely independent of the actual aircraft and sensor used. This was a significant step forward on the road towards realising an urgently required, operationally essential capability for NATO. On 3 February , the North Atlantic Council decided on a way ahead to collectively cover the costs for operating AGS for the benefit of the Alliance.
The decision to engage NATO common funding for infrastructure, satellite communications and operations and support paved the way for awarding the AGS acquisition contract. In addition, an agreement was reached to make the UK Sentinel system and the future French Heron TP system available as national contributions in kind, partly replacing financial contributions from those two Allies.
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A procurement contract for the AGS system was signed on 20 May , in preparation for the delivery of a vital capability that will be made available to all NATO member nations. The AGS acquisition contract includes the purchase and initial operation and maintenance of unmanned aircraft equipped with advanced ground surveillance radar sensors. From to , a number of test flights took place in order to further develop and test AGS capabilities. The construction of permanent facilities for AGS began on the site and is expected to be completed in Once fully operational, the centre will host 22 training instructors including mission crew and pilot trainers, working with a simulation capability that will be able to take on around 80 trainees per year.
Following arrival, a system-level performance verification phase will begin in order to ensure full compliance of the system with NATO requirements. Dossiers de l'OTAN.
Highlights The AGS system consists of air, ground and support segments, performing all-weather, persistent wide-area terrestrial and maritime surveillance in near real-time. AGS will provide in-theatre situational awareness to commanders of deployed forces. AGS will be able to contribute to a range of missions such as protection of ground troops and civilian populations, border control and maritime safety, the fight against terrorism, crisis management and humanitarian assistance in natural disasters.

Components The AGS core will be an integrated system consisting of an air segment, a ground segment and a support segment. France has an observer role and maintains continual coordination to ensure its E-3F aircraft remain interoperable with the other E-3 fleets. The agency is staffed by military officers seconded to the agency and by civilian officials from the nations participating in the programme.
During the s, it became clear that military aircraft could no longer fly high enough to avoid surface-to-air missiles. To survive in an increasingly lethal air defence environment, aircraft were forced down to levels little higher than tree-top. The need to detect maritime surface targets such as ships and boats was also specified because of the geographical regions where the AEW aircraft would have to operate.
Planche de bord tout écran
The inherent mobility and flexibility of the system, especially for control function, were also foreseen by NATO planners as providing air, maritime, and land force commanders with an enhanced command and control C2 capability. All AWACS aircraft undergo continuous modifications for modernisation and for operations and support. Whatever the variant, the flight and mission crews are highly trained men and women whose expertise covers all areas of flight operations, including battle space management, weapons control, surveillance control, data link management and the technical aspects of communications, data systems and mission radar.
Communication systems which use Internet Protocol IP are also being developed and fielded to support text communications with other command and control C2 assets. Based on high6level military requirements, we have decided to collectively start the process of defining options for future NATO surveillance and control capabilities.
In February , NATO defence ministers agreed to embark upon the AFSC Concept Stage, comprised of a series of studies to evaluate new technologies and explore a system-of-systems approach, including potential combinations of air, ground, space or unmanned systems networked together to collect and share information.
These studies will eventually help to inform decisions by NATO, individual Allies or multinational groups to acquire new systems in the future. Dossiers de l'OTAN.
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It conducts a wide range of missions such as air policing, support to counter-terrorism, evacuation operations, embargo, initial entry and crisis response. Under normal circumstances, the aircraft operates for about eight hours, at 30, feet 9, metres and covers a surveillance area of more than , square miles , square kilometres. The fleet is involved in the reassurance measures following the Russia-Ukraine crisis, and in the tailored assurance measures for Turkey against the background of the Syrian crisis.
It also provided air support to secure NATO summits or international sporting events. Operational contributions In recent years, the Force has been deployed on increasingly complex and demanding tactical missions, including: support to maritime operations; close air support CAS ; airspace management; combat search and rescue CSAR ; disaster relief; and counter-piracy.